How do I make changes in bulk?

If you have multiple Tasks that are going to contain the same field of information, you can make changes in bulk to save time.

There are two methods to make changes in bulk:

  1. Hover the cursor over a Task that you would like to that you'd like to make changes to

  2. Click the checkbox to select the Task

    • Repeat step 1 and step 2 for each Task that you would like to edit

  3. In the multi-select menu, click the Pencil icon

  4. Select the property that you'd like to bulk assign to your selected Tasks

  5. From the drop-down menu, choose which asset or property to assign to the selected Tasks

  6. Click the Tick to confirm the changes

  1. Select a cell with the field you’d like to copy and hit Ctrl + C

  2. Click the first cell you’d like to paste into, hold SHIFT, then click the last cell to multi-select

  3. Hit Ctrl + V to paste

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