Importing your Master Schedule (XML)

Things to know before you start:

  • Aphex supports .XML formatting for your Master Schedule

  • You must be a Project Admin to run an import

  • Your Organisation must be on the Pro, Pro+ or Enterprise Plan

If you’d like to connect your Master Schedule in P6 or MS Project to your Aphex project, then this guide is for you!

We'll cover what file you'll need, how to get your data into Aphex, and how to allocate the imported tasks to your team. We also have an example import file if you'd like to do a dummy run first.

Preparing your Master Schedule

Before importing your Master Schedule, you’ll need to create your .XML file first. To save time, you can pre-assign some information to tasks in your Master Schedule, such as Location, Owner and Subcontractor. You can also choose what activities you'd like to bring in by creating a UDF. These are optional steps.

Filter (Optional)

UDFs allow you to filter to the specific data you want to import into Aphex:

  • In your master schedule, create a User Defined Field (you might want to name this something straightforward: Aphex Filter)

  • In this UDF assign a consistent value against the activities you would like to import and ones you would not (this could simply be "Yes" and "No")

Project Assets (Optional)

Save time during your import by including Owners and Project Assets in your import file.

You can add the email address of the user’s you’d like to assign imported work to automatically, and the subcontractor and location of each task.

  • Create a UDF for each attribute (i.e. Subcontractor, Location and Owner) you wish to pre-populate.

  • Name each UDF something memorable, like “Aphex Subcontractor”.

  • In each UDF (eg. Subcontractor or Location), insert the field (Subcontractor, location etc.) for each activity. This should be consistent with the name in your Aphex project (if not, Aphex will create a new one)

  • In the Owner UDF, insert the email address of the activity’s owner. Check that this matches the email address the team member uses for Aphex. If not, the address entered will receive an invite to join the project.

Create your Import File

Your .xml file will need to be formatted correctly to be imported into Aphex. Our supported tools each have guides on how to do this if you get stuck:

Importing your Master Schedule

Great! You've exported your .XML import file. Let's begin the import process.

Please note that you will only see the steps that apply to your Import. If your Import doesn't contain Unsupported Task Types, Driving Predecessors, Actual Dates or Milestones, it will skip these steps.


  • Click the Aphex icon in the top left, above the Gantt

  • Click Master Schedule Imports

  • From the Master Schedule Imports page, click Import and select the .XML file you'd like to upload

Distributing Work to the Team

Before your newly imported work appears on the Gantt, your next step is to distribute tasks to the team. Then, once tasks have been assigned to an owner, the user will be notified that they have newly imported work waiting for them to add to the plan.

Here's how to allocate activities to the users responsible:

  • Click the Aphex icon in the top left, above the Gantt

  • Click Master Schedule Imports, then navigate to the Project Data page using the side-menu

  • Open the Unassigned tab

  • Select an owner for each task with the drop-down menu

  • Click Move Tasks to Backlog

You can bulk assign Tasks to one user by selecting multiple Tasks, then using the multi-select menu to assign a User to the selected Tasks

Adding Imported Tasks to the Gantt

If you're a user who has been assigned new tasks from an import, they'll appear in your Backlog. All you need to do is pull them onto the Gantt:

  • Click the Aphex icon in the top left, above the Gantt

  • Click Master Schedule Imports, then navigate to the Project Data page using the side-menu

  • Open the Backlog tab

  • Click Move Tasks to Gantt

Running a Test Import

If this is your first time running an import, we'd recommend running a test import using our example file on a sandpit project to help you get the hang of things.

Last updated

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