Changes to View Controls & Filters

Coming in July 2024

TL;DR: Control how you & your teams View & Filter Aphex Aphex is going to look a little different with some key upgrades:

  • Create multiple Views of the Gantt, Map, Board & List and have them open at the same time

  • Share different Views with different people & teams

  • Advanced Filter

  • Open List View to see a daily task list

Read on to discover all the changes & what this means for your team. Plus, scroll down for an interactive Views & Filters preview.

Construct different Views of the Gantt, Map, Board & List and have multiple view types open at the same time, on the same screen.

Choose to save your Views as personal Views or Share them with specific Project or Team Members.

Any View that is created can be shared between Project or Team Members. Choose specific Team Members to edit the View & save the changes for everyone.

All Views will have a unique URL that can be distributed between team members. Using the URL will open the project with the appropriate View.

Aphex Filter has been upgraded, with the addition of Filter Groups and advancements to the set up of the Filters.

  • More advanced control over Filter conditions & criteria

  • Filter for specific Task Names

  • Filter for all issues including Clashes, Missing Data & Overdue Blockers

  • Add multiple layers and groups to your Filter

  • Filters are specific to a View. Set different Filters for different Views.

List is a view type that allows you to view your Daily Task List, right next to the Gantt. Update the Progress and add Delays quickly.

Preview the changes to Aphex View Controls:

What does this mean for you?

  • Your Aphex Projects will be automatically migrated to include Views.

  • When you open Aphex for the first time, your Gantt, Map & Board views will be open in tabs and ready to use.

  • You will have Views created with your current saved preferences. This means, you will have a Gantt, Board & Map view created with your current Filters, Groupings & Overlays applied.

  • You can begin Creating, Saving & Sharing Views as soon as the update happens

Then vs Now

Old BehaviourNew Behaviour

Only have one saved View of Aphex with your selected Filters, Grouping & Date

Create as many different Views for the Gantt, Map, Board & List

Only have one Aphex View open at one time

Have multiple Gantt, Map, Board or List tabs open at the same time. Views are open as tabs on the same page

Cannot share an Aphex view

Create a View and choose to share it with other team members Each View will have a unique URL that can be shared with other team members

Daily Task List only available on Aphex Field

List, is opened in the main Aphex app & shows a Daily Task List

No default Views provided for users

Use Aphex Curated Views to quickly view most common Filters without having to create your own

No starting point for new Users

Have 'My Upcoming Plan' & 'All Upcoming Plans' Views open as a starting point on your project.

Once changes were made to your View controls, you could not undo the View changes

UseReset View once you have made changes to the View to to revert any View changes you have made. Once you are happy with your View, use the Save View button to save the changes

Filters can only have one Filter Group at a time

Add multiple layers & Filter Groups to a View

Filters only allow you to show properties that exist on Tasks

Filters now contain multiple operators, like Is, Is Not, Contains, Does Not Contain, Is Empty, Is Not Empty

Filters now include properties that have been Archived but still exist on Tasks

Missing Data is the only issue to Filter by

Filter by any issue; Clashes, Missing Data or Overdue Blockers

Cannot Filter by Task name or External ID

Filter for Tasks that contain certain Task Names Filter for Tasks that contain certain External IDs

What do I need to do?

No action needed! If you have any questions about the changes, hit the ? icon to start a chat with our Support Team.

Last updated