
Locations are used to monitor and track the physical whereabouts of each Task.

The extent and detail of Locations within your Project depend on its scale and nature. You might have a single Location representing the overall site GA, or numerous Locations designated for specific zones, areas, or floors.

  • Supported File Types for Drawing Locations are:

    • JPEG

    • PNG

    • PDF - Only single page PDFs will successfully upload

    • TIFF

Locations are used to monitor and track the physical whereabouts of each Task.

  • Click on the Project Name to reveal a drop down menu

  • Select Project Assets and navigate to Locations

  • Click on + Create Location

  • Select from either a Map Space, Drawing or Off-Site Location

  • Click Add Location

Map Space Location: A real world map space. A place for you to bring in your GIS Layers.

Drawing Location: A static image where you can upload your image or PDF

Off-Site Location: If your Tasks do not require a Map or Model but you want to assign a Location

  • Select Add Layer on your Location

  • Either upload your image or enter the URL for your Real World Location depending on the Location Type

  • Click Finish

Your Location will now be added!

Last updated