Exporting Data from a Publication

Things to know before you start:

  • You can only download CSV exports from Published Versions.

  • Only tasks visible in your current Gantt view will be included in the export.

This guide is for you if you're looking to download the raw data from your plan to a CSV file! We will cover how to download the data and the export contents.

How to Download Data

Open the Published Version you wish to export data from. If you have a direct link, skip to the next step:

  • You can access Published Versions from the Publishing page. Click "View Version" in the overflow menu.

  • Edit the plan view to ensure all relevant information is visible.

  • Click Share.

  • Select Download Data.

CSV Export Contents

After generating the export, you will receive a zipped file containing two CSV files:

  • Delay Export: Provides insights into delay information and performance data within the project.

  • Task Export: Includes all task information formatted for easy aggregation and analysis.

Last updated