Power BI Templates
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Things to know before you get started:
You will need the Desktop Power BI application downloaded onto your device.
You must be a Project Admin to set up the integration.
The integration is unavailable for teams on the Starter Plan.
Here at Aphex, we aim to keep things simple! That’s why we’ve created a set of pre-designed Power BI reports that allow you to pull data and insights directly from your project.
A key advantage of these templates is that they exclusively pull from your published versions, ensuring you always have the most accurate and up-to-date information at your fingertips.
This feature enables confident, data-driven decision-making. Each template is fully customisable to suit your unique project needs, but you can also use them as-is for immediate reporting.
Let’s take a look at the available reports! 👇🏻
This report provides a snapshot of your project's progress against its plan, tracking key metrics such as PPC (Percent Plan Complete) and identifying recorded delays within your publications.
Key Measures:
PPC Calculation: You can choose your preferred method for measuring PPC (Percent Plan Complete) which helps in understanding how well your project is performing against the plan:
PPC (Task Day): Calculates the overall average percentage of task completion by evaluating the PPC of each task. The PPC of a task represents the percentage of planned workdays that were completed between two publication dates (such as from last week to now).
PPC (Task): Calculates the efficiency of task completion in a project by comparing the number of tasks completed to the number of tasks planned between two publication dates (such as from last week to now).
Publications Included: Displays all publications in your dataset (up to five) by default, with options to select specific ones for analysis.
Latest Publication: Shows the date of the most recent publication in your dataset.
Current PPC: Displays the current PPC based on tasks completed between the two most recent publications selected.
Tasks Progressed: Calculates the number of unique tasks that have made progress (i.e., have recorded workdays) during the specified reference window, which is the period between two publication dates (e.g., from last week to now). It only considers the most recent version of each task. If no progress is recorded, it returns 0.
Unplanned Tasks: Calculates the number of unique tasks that have made progress (i.e., recorded workdays) but were not included in the planned work during the specified reference window (the period between two publication dates, such as from last week to now). It only considers the most recent version of each task. If no unplanned progress is recorded, it returns 0.
Primary Source of Delay: Identifies the main reason for delays based on the amount of status logged for different reasons. It filters data by positive statuses, narrows it down to relevant owners, and returns the most significant delay reason within the reference window.
Overall PPC Trend: Breaks down the PPC on specific publication dates within the dataset and provides a rolling average (over four weeks). Hovering over the values reveals information about the included published versions (PPC, Tasks Progressed, and Unplanned Tasks).
Performance Breakdown - Users/Subcontractors: Compares the PPC of Owners and Subcontractors within the specified timeframe and over the past four weeks (rolling average). Owners are users assigned as task owners during the specified timeframe, while Subcontractors are assigned to tasks within the same timeframe.
Delay Breakdown: Details the reasons for delays associated with tasks in the specific time window and shows the individual reasons for delays along with their total impact (in days) for each reason.
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This report provides a comprehensive overview of your project's performance, including weekly and cumulative Percent Plan Complete (PPC) scores, reasons for non-completion (RNC), and detailed task status breakdowns.
Key Measures:
PPC Calculation: You can choose your preferred method for measuring PPC (Percent Plan Complete) which helps in understanding how well your project is performing against the plan:
PPC (Task Day): Calculates the overall average percentage of task completion by evaluating the PPC of each task. The PPC of a task represents the percentage of planned workdays that were completed between two publication dates (such as from last week to now).
PPC (Task): Calculates the efficiency of task completion in a project by comparing the number of tasks completed to the number of tasks planned. It provides insight into how well the actual progress aligns with the scheduled plan by expressing the result as a percentage.
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure): Filter to view tasks within a specific WBS (Folder) in the included publications. By default, all tasks will be displayed.
Publications Included: This report includes all publications in your dataset (up to a maximum of five) by default, with the option to select specific publications for analysis.
Latest Publication: Displays the date of the most recent publication retrieved and selected within the dataset.
Planned: Counts the number of individual tasks scheduled to occur within the specified time window.
On Track: Counts the number of tasks that are currently ongoing or have been completed within the specified time window.
Delayed: Counts the number of tasks that have been delayed (pushed out) within the specified time window.
Unplanned: Counts tasks that were not scheduled to start within the earlier selected publication but are now included in the most recent selected publication.
Brought Forward: Counts tasks that have been advanced beyond the latest publication selected.
Deleted: Counts tasks that existed in previous publications but have been removed from the most recent selected publication.
Current PPC: Displays the current PPC based on tasks completed between the two most recent publications selected, according to the PPC calculation method chosen by the user.
Failed Tasks: Counts the number of tasks that have been deferred to the following week.
Weekly Planned Percentage Complete Score: Breaks down the PPC on specific publication dates within the dataset.
Reason for Non-Completion (RNC): Calculates the delay reasons for tasks within the selected range of publications.
Reason for Non-Completion (RNC) - Past 10 Weeks: Aggregates the total delay reasons for tasks that have been delayed over the past ten weeks.
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This report offers an in-depth analysis of your project's weekly progress, highlighting task statuses and providing insights into reasons for non-completion. With detailed visualisations, you can effectively track performance and identify areas for improvement.
PPC Calculation: You can choose your preferred method for measuring PPC (Percent Plan Complete) which helps in understanding how well your project is performing against the plan:
PPC (Task Day): Calculates the overall average percentage of task completion by evaluating the PPC of each task. The PPC of a task represents the percentage of planned workdays that were completed between two publication dates (such as from last week to now).
PPC (Task): Calculates the efficiency of task completion in a project by comparing the number of tasks completed to the number of tasks planned. It provides insight into how well the actual progress aligns with the scheduled plan by expressing the result as a percentage.
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure): Filter tasks to view those within a specific WBS (Folder) in the included publications. By default, all tasks are displayed.
Publications Included: This report includes all publications in your dataset (up to a maximum of five) by default, with the option to select specific publications for analysis.
Latest Publication: Displays the date of the most recent publication retrieved and selected within the dataset.
Planned: Counts the number of distinct tasks scheduled to finish within a specified time window.
On Track: Counts distinct tasks that are currently ongoing or have been completed within a specific time window.
Delayed: Counts tasks that were scheduled to complete but have been postponed to a later date within the specified time window.
Unplanned: Counts tasks that were not included in the comparison version but are present in the current publication.
Brought Forward: Counts tasks that were not originally planned to finish but have been advanced to complete in the current publication.
Deleted: Counts tasks that existed in previous publications but have been removed from the most recent publication selected.
TaskId: Retrieves the activity ID of the task within Aphex.
Task Name: Displays the latest task name based on task versions.
First ExternalID: Finds the most recent external ID associated with the task.
Task Start/End: Retrieves the latest start and end dates for tasks.
Reason For Non-Completion: Identifies the most recent reason for task delays within the current window. This includes all possible reasons for delays, ensuring comprehensive analysis of task status.
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This report monitors the completion and quality of your weekly publications, tracking user involvement and identifying potential issues such as clashes or missing information. With clear visualisations, you can easily assess the status of each publication and address any concerns that may arise.
Key Measures:
Publications Included: By default, this report includes all publications within your dataset (up to a maximum of five). You have the option to select specific publications for your analysis.
Publication Summary: This section categorises each publication as "Not Ready" or "Reviewed" at the time of publication and displays user counts. Clicking on an individual bar will highlight detailed data within the Publication Breakdown.
Publication Breakdown: Provides a comprehensive overview of each publication, detailing the status, clashes, missing fields, and blockers associated with each user and publication date. By clicking on an individual publication, you can focus on the corresponding data within the Publication Summary.
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The Blockers Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of key details regarding blockers (issues or obstacles) that may impact your project. By tracking and analysing these blockers, you can identify potential risks and implement strategies to mitigate them effectively.
Key Measures:
Publications Included: By default, this includes all publications within your dataset (up to a maximum of five). You have the flexibility to select specific publications to include in your analysis.
Blocker Category: This selector allows you to focus on one category at a time. The default setting is "All Categories." When a specific category is selected, the report filters to display data exclusively related to blockers within that category.
Open Blockers (4 Weeks): This metric counts the number of open blockers that are due within the next four weeks, providing insight into immediate concerns.
Overdue Blockers: This measure calculates the total number of overdue blockers in the selected publication, helping you identify tasks that need urgent attention.
Top Overdue Category: This identifies the blocker category with the highest number of overdue blockers for the selected publication. The data is filtered to show overdue blockers, grouped by category.
Average Days Overdue: This metric calculates the average number of days that overdue blockers have been outstanding within the selected publication, allowing for assessment of the severity of delays.
Top Overdue Blocker: This identifies the specific blocker that has the highest average number of overdue days for the selected publication, highlighting the most pressing issues.
State: Use this feature to select between Open, Overdue, Resolved, or All Blockers to dynamically update the information displayed in the accompanying graph. The default setting is Overdue.
Open Blockers Date Range: Adjusting the date range in this section influences the graph when the status is set to Open. It affects the task results in the Open tab of the table on the right, focusing on open blockers with due dates within the specified timeframe. Note that open blockers without due dates will not be included in the graph.
Group Blockers By: Select how to group the information displayed in the graph—by Category, Owner, or Subcontractor. The Y-axis reflects the count of distinct blocker names based on the selected status and date range, while the X-axis displays your chosen grouping option.
Category: The graph displays how many blockers there are in each category within the selected Publications Included, with their names listed above the bars for easy identification. Hovering over each category bar will show the category name, the individual blockers assigned to that category, and the total number of blockers in that category.
All Overdue: The All Overdue tab lists all tasks associated with overdue blockers within the selected published version, providing a comprehensive view of outstanding issues.
Open: The Open tab displays all tasks linked to open blockers, filtered by those whose due dates fall within the specified date range set in the Open Blockers Date Range control.
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The Plan Comparison report provides a comprehensive analysis of plan and milestone variances, enabling you to compare the overall plan or specific milestones effectively. By highlighting changes between any two points in time, this report helps you to make informed decisions based on real-time data insights.
Key Measures:
Primary Publication Selector: This allows you to choose the publication for analysis, with the default set to the latest publication. You can also select from Latest, Prior, or Rest options to customise your comparison.
Comparison Publication Selector: The default for this selector is set to Rest, but you can adjust it to Latest, Prior, or Rest, enabling a tailored view of your comparison data.
New Tasks: This metric counts the number of tasks in the primary publication that are new compared to the selected comparison publication, helping you identify changes in task allocation.
Comparison Publication: This count reflects the number of tasks present in the comparison publication that have their end dates before or on the last task date from either the primary or comparison publication, providing insight into scheduling overlaps.
Primary Publication: This measure counts the number of tasks in the primary publication, based on specific conditions such as end dates and associations with both the primary and comparison publications, facilitating detailed analysis.
Milestones: This section displays all upcoming milestones, highlighting the most recent end date. It also compares the end dates of milestones between the primary and comparison publications, illustrating the difference in days between the two to track progress effectively.
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The Material Resource Dashboard offers valuable insights into how effectively material resources are planned and utilised across your project. By comparing planned quantities against actual usage, this report helps you identify trends and discrepancies, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of your material distribution.
Key Measures:
Primary Publication: You can select only one Published Version at a time, with the default setting being the latest Publication Version, referred to as the Primary Publication. Options include Latest, Prior, or Rest for customised analysis.
Resource Types: This displays the titles of materials within your Aphex project, helping you easily identify the resources in use.
Date Range Included: By default, the dashboard focuses on the next month, but you can adjust the timeframe to include options like Last, Next, This, Days, Weeks, Months, and Years for a more specific analysis.
Material Demand: This metric sums the total planned quantities of materials for tasks recorded within your selected publication and date range. Each material type is visually represented with its own bar colour on the graph, making it easy to analyse trends at a glance.
Summary: The summary section provides a detailed breakdown of the materials included in the selected primary publication. It showcases both the total planned quantity of materials and the actual quantity logged, giving you a clear picture of resource utilisation.
Tasks: The tasks section provides a detailed breakdown of the materials included in the selected primary publication. It showcases both the total planned quantity of materials and the actual quantity logged, giving you a clear picture of resource utilisation.
Progress Percentage: This calculates the percentage of actual materials used compared to the planned materials in the selected primary publication. It offers a straightforward percentage score to assess how closely actual usage aligns with your plans, enabling informed decision-making for future resource allocation.
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The Labour & Plant Resource Dashboard delivers clear visualisations and precise forecast allocations, enabling you to effectively analyse how Labour and Plant resources are planned across your projects. With this dashboard, you can easily identify trends and make informed decisions regarding resource allocation.
Key Measures:
Primary Publication: You can select only one Published Version at a time, with the default setting being the latest Publication Version, referred to as the Primary Publication. Options include Latest, Prior, or Rest for customised analysis.
Resource Types: The Resource Types selector allows you to choose which Labour and Plant resources to display. By default, all resources are included, giving you a comprehensive overview.
Date Range Included: By default, the dashboard focuses on the next month, but you can adjust the timeframe to include options like Last, Next, This, Days, Weeks, Months, and Years for a more specific analysis.
Labour & Plant Demand: This metric calculates the total planned Labour and Plant resources recorded within your selected publication and date range. Each resource type is visually represented with its own bar colour on the graph, making it easy to interpret data at a glance.
Date: The Date section displays the specific date when the resource was included in the Planner. This information updates dynamically based on your selection in the Date Range Selector.
Resource: This field indicates the title of the Labour or Plant resource in the Planner. It also updates according to your selection in the Date Range Selector, ensuring you have the most relevant information at hand.
Amount: The Amount metric calculates the sum of the planned quantities for resources associated with tasks in the primary publication. This value will update in real-time as you adjust your selections in the Date Range Selector, providing ongoing insights into resource planning.
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