Fair Billing Policy
We offer a Fair Billing Policy so that costs can adapt to a customer's use of Aphex rather than requiring large upfront commitments.
Aphex Pro and Pro+
At Aphex, our Pro plans are charged by the billable seat. A billable seat is occupied by a member of an organisation that;
Holds the role of Admin or Standard on an active project and
Is not Deactivated
To allow customers to manage their costs, billable seats are automatically calculated; if a user no longer holds a billable seat, then the seat number is reduced.
Customers can choose to have their Pro, or Pro+ subscription billed annually or monthly.
Monthly Subscriptions
Monthly Pro and Pro+ subscriptions follow these rules;
On the day you start or renew a subscription, you’ll be charged for billable seats at a rate of No. of Billable Seats x monthly seat rate
Your monthly subscription renewal will be billed for the billable seats on renewal such that any fluctuations in the month are ignored
For invoice billing, invoices will on Net 30 day terms and contain a reference to the Purchase Order number provided by the Customer
For card billing, invoices will be immediately generated on charge
Annual Subscriptions
Annual Pro and Pro+ subscriptions follow these rules;
On the day that you start or renew a subscription, you’ll be charged for billable seats at a rate of Billable Seats x monthly seat rate x 12
On monthly anniversaries of your subscription start, billable seats will be calculated.
For mid-term increases in billable seats, a pro-rata invoice will be issued with the Net increase in billable seats x monthly seat rate x remaining months.
For mid-term decreases in billable seats, a credit will be applied to your account, equalling the net decrease in billable seats x monthly seat rate. This credit will be automatically applied to any future net increases or renewals.
Aphex Enterprise
At Aphex, our Enterprise plans are charged by a fixed monthly amount as agreed with a customer. Enterprise plans typically specify a maximum number of billable seats included in the fixed subscription price. A billable seat is occupied by a member of an organisation that;
Holds the role of Admin or Standard on an active project and
Is not Deactivated
To allow customers to manage their costs, billable seats are automatically calculated; if a user no longer holds a billable seat, then the seat number is reduced.
Enterprise subscriptions that exceed the maximum seat number may be charged an ala cart rate for overages as specified in their agreement.
Customers that elect to include multiple Aphex Organisations within their Enterprise plan will see their total billable seats calculated as the sum of all billable users on each included organisation.
Last updated