
Gantt Table

Sorting order

Tasks and Folders have a default sort order to make your work easier to find.

The default sort orders are:

Sort Order


  1. First by Start Date

  2. Then by Duration

  3. Finally Alpha-numerically


Same as Project Assets page

Drag and Drop

Drag and drop can be used to reorder the structure of the Gantt table, or to change a task’s properties. Only certain groups can be re-ordered with Drag and Drop:

Re-order by Drag and Drop



✓ (From the Folders Page)







Reordering groups will only change the sort order for the user who made the change (aside from Folders - this order is consistent across the entire project). You can drag and drop Tasks and Parent Tasks between all the different groups (structures) to change the properties. Subtasks cannot be moved into different groups with drag and drop.

You can search for a task by Name, Aphex activity ID or External ID.

You can only search for tasks within your current view. Tasks that match the search criteria will be highlighted in yellow.

Search is not case-sensitive.

Gantt Columns

Column Selector

See information in bulk and add properties to tasks more efficiently with columns. You can change which columns appear on the Gantt table and save custom configurations within the column selector.

Saved custom configurations are saved to the view and are accessible on all Projects and Organisations. The All Required configuration reflects the Publication Requirements in the project routine settings.

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcut

All columns

Ctrl + 1

All required columns

Ctrl + 2

Time columns

Ctrl + 3

User columns

Ctrl + 4

Resource columns

Ctrl + 5

Map columns

Ctrl + 6

Structure columns

Ctrl + 7

Other columns

Ctrl + 8


Ctrl + C


Ctrl + V

Select multiple cells

Shift + Click (cell)

Select multiple tasks

Shift + Click (checkbox)


Ctrl + Z

New line

Shift + Enter

Move task and break links

Shift + Click + Drag (task)

Duplicate Task

Ctrl + D

Gantt Canvas


Tasks and Groups appears on the Gantt as a bar or a header which spans the total duration.

Default colour


Coloured Task bar


Parent tasks

Summary Header (can be expanded to reveal subtasks)



Summary Header



Summary Header

Same as Project Assets page

Gantt Lines

Gantt lines help indicate Today's date, and other important reference dates. The three lines on the Gantt each represent something:


Yellow line

Your local date (today)

Blue line

Your project’s lookahead period

Purple line

Your project’s most recent promise date. Past promise dates are not shown



You can change the Gantt’s zoom with the Day/Week/Month toggle. This will alter the timeline format of the Gantt and the size that task bars appear.

The Gantt will zoom in and out based on a fixed point in the middle of the visible Gantt.


You can view the weather forecast of your project on the Gantt.

The weather forecast will reflect your project’s location in project settings. You can only see the forecast for the upcoming week.

You can draw relationships and create dependencies between tasks with relationship links.

Relationship links are created in the same direction that they are drawn and can be drawn in four directions:

  • Start > Start

  • Start > Finish

  • Finish > Start

  • Finish > Finish

Moving a task's successor can create a lag between two linked tasks, or lag can be entered manually.

Successor tasks will automatically schedule when a predecessor task is moved unless the task has the Status of Done, or the user making the edit does not have the correct permissions over Promised successor tasks.

Links can be removed individually by selecting the link on the Gantt, or in bulk using the task checkboxes and Break Links option inside the Floating Menu at the bottom of the page.

Dropping a link onto the Link Button, or adding a Successor or predecessor from the Task Panel will open the Link Search Menu.

By default, the Link Search Menu will show no results. Relevant tasks can be found by using the Filter, or Search Bar.

Multiple relationships can be created at the same time.

Gantt Overlays

You can add an extra layer of information to the Gantt with an overlay.

The overlays you can choose from are:


Critical Path

Milestones and any predecessors turn gold to highlight the short-term critical path. All other tasks turn blue.


For each day, see the quantities of labour, plant or material allocated to tasks in the plan.


Compare the original position of tasks from previously published versions and imports to the live plan

Resource Overlay

You can view labour, plant, material and subcontractor allocation within their respective tabs of the resources overlay.

You can choose the data shown in the resource overlay:


Displayed Task Utilisation (default)

Total resource allocation will only reflect Tasks in your view

Project Utilisation

Total resource allocation includes all Tasks outside of your view

Hide Un-utilised Resources

Removes resources that aren’t assigned to any Tasks from the resource list

Resources in the overlay are sorted in two levels:

  • First by usage - resources assigned to a Task are ordered before unassigned resources

  • Then, alphanumerically

Each number block is colour coded to represent the relative amount of resource allocation, the lighter the shade of purple, the greater the resource allocation is for that time period.

Colour coding is relative to resource allocation of resources within the same group (or line)

Critical Path Overlay

The Critical Path Overlay allows you to highlight the short term critical path to any Milestone (or a selection of Milestones) within the plan.

Depending on your Gantt Date Range, different Milestones will be available to highlight in the Critical Path Overlay menu. If a Milestone is not included in the current dates you're looking at, it will not appear as an option to highlight within the Critical Path Overlay menu.

Specific Milestones can be revealed by using the Search from within the Critical Path Overlay menu.

Task Colour

By default, tasks on the Gantt are colour-coded by Owner. You can also choose for tasks to be colour-coded by subcontractor or shift.

The colour of tasks for each preset is dictated by:



User chosen colour (from User Settings)


Same as project assets



Date Range

You can configure the visible dates of the Gantt and Map by using the date selector.

By default, the date range is set to your project’s lookahead period plus a week on either side.

There are two types of dates you can set, Rolling or Custom. Any active Rolling Date Range can be saved as part of your personal or shared view.


The Gantt date selector has a range of options:

Rolling Range


Prior Week + Current Week +

(Project Lookahead Period - 1 Week)


Next 30 Days

Last 7 Days + Next 30 Days


Next 3 Months

Prior Week + Current Week + Next 12 Weeks


Next 6 Months

Prior Week + Current Week +

Next 25 Weeks


Next 12 Months

Prior Week + Current Week + Next 51 Weeks


All Future Tasks

Last 7 Days + All Future


Project To Date

From First Task + 7 Days into the Future



Custom dates selected by the user


Gantt Rows and Cells

Duplicate Task

Parent Tasks, Tasks and Subtasks can be duplicated individually, or by multiple selection.

Duplicated Tasks only keep relationship links if the link is between two selected tasks. Any links between a selected task and a non-selected task will not be duplicated.

All other Task information will be copied to the duplicate, except the owner, activity ID, external ID, status, progress updates, documents and comments.

The user who duplicates a task will automatically be the owner of the copied version.

Duplicated Tasks will be temporarily created at the bottom of the relevant Folder, Package, or Parent, before moving into their correct position based on their start and end dates.

Duplicated Subtasks will be converted to Tasks if the user is not the owner of the original Parent Task.

Delete Task

Tasks can be deleted individually, or by multiple selection. Deleting a Task will remove it from your project permanently.

Deleting all Subtasks will delete the Parent Task, and deleting the Parent Task will delete all the Subtasks.

Add Subtasks

Tasks can be broken down into Subtasks.

Most fields of a broken-down Tasks will be passed onto the Subtasks:

  • The Owner, Assignees, Labour, Plant, Location, Work Area, Folder, External ID and Package fields of a Task you break down, will be passed down to the new Subtasks

  • The planned Material amount assigned to a Task that you break down will be split equally between Subtasks.

Gantt Cells

Editing a Gantt Cell (either Task or Package Name, or column cell) enables these options:


Copy Cell

Copies the cell value (e.g Name, or Calendar)

Paste Cell

Overrides the current cell value with the copied cell value

Clear Cell

Clears any existing cell data leaving the cell blank

These actions can be applied to individual Task cells or a group of Task cells.

Selecting Gantt Rows

Selecting Gantt Rows using the checkboxes allows single or multiple tasks to be updated.

Depending on the type of task (Parent Task, Task or Subtask) different update options will be available.

Selection Rules

If a Subtask is selected, only other Subtasks inside the same Parent Task can be selected.

Tasks and Parent Tasks can be selected together, but edit options will reduce.

Changing the view of the plan (such as Space or Structure), or clicking anywhere on the Gantt will deselect any selected Tasks.

Selected Parent Tasks


Edit Owner

Replaces all selected Parent Tasks (and Subtasks) with new Owner

Add Assignee

Add new Assignee(s) to the selected Parent Tasks (and Subtasks)


Replaces the Folder for all selected Parent Tasks (and Subtasks)


Replaces the Package for all selected Parent Tasks (and Subtasks)

Selected Tasks and Subtasks

Task Type
Skipped when

Task & Subtask

Edit Start Date

Replaces the start date for all selected Tasks

Task Statused or Promised

Task & Subtask

Edit End Date

Replaces the end date for all selected Tasks

Task Statused or Promised

Task & Subtask

Edit Duration

Replaces the duration for all selected Tasks

Task Statused or Promised

Task & Subtask

Edit Calendar

Replaces the calendar for all selected Tasks

Task & Subtask

Edit Shift

Replaces the shift for all selected Tasks

Task & Subtask

Edit Owner

Replaces all selected Tasks with Owner

Task & Subtask

Add Assignee

Add new Assignee(s) to the selected Tasks

Task & Subtask

Edit Subcontractor

Replaces the Subcontractor for all selected Tasks

Task & Subtask

Add Labour

Add new Labour to the selected Tasks

Task & Subtask

Add Plant

Add new Plant to the selected Tasks

Task & Subtask

Add Material

Add new Materials to the selected Tasks

Task & Subtask

Edit Location

Replaces the Location for all selected Tasks


Edit Parent

Replaces the Parent for all selected Subtasks

Destination is owned by a different User



Replaces the Folder for all selected Tasks



Replaces the Package for all selected Tasks

Destination is Locked by another User


Convert to Subtask

Converts selected Tasks into Subtasks of a Parent

Destination is Owned by a different User


Convert to Task

Converts selected Subtasks into Tasks

Task & Subtask


Replaces all internal links between selected Tasks*

Task & Subtask


Replaces the Status for all selected Tasks

User does not have the correct permission to update Status

Task & Subtask

Break Links

Removes all relationship links between the selected Tasks

User does not have the correct permission to edit a link

Task & Subtask

Remove Properties

Removes chosen Properties for all selected Tasks

User does not have the correct permission to edit a Task

*Edit Relationships

Edits to Relationships will not save if:

  • The User does not have permission to add a Task as a successor

  • Circular logic is detected

Invalid Updates

Selected Tasks may be skipped in the update if any of the following is true:

  • User does not have the correct role to edit the task or task property

  • The edit would require a Progress Update to be recorded

Row Height Preference

You can change the scale and spacing of Tasks on the Gantt.

There are three options:


Large row height and text - fewer tasks and more space


The default row height


Smaller row height and text - fits more work on the page

Your selected Gantt scale will apply to all Projects that you view in planner, it does not change the Gantt scale for other users on the Project.

Last updated

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