
You can view the same Aphex project in multiple ways, and switch back and forth between them depending on your needs. Each view allows you to choose a View Type (Gantt, Map, List, or Board), and set a unique configuration of filters, grouping, date ranges, visible properties & other customisations.

Shared & Personal Views

Views can be shared with other users in your project or kept as personal views.

You can also specify the exact users who have permission to override the configuration of your Saved View.

Personal Views

Every newly created View begins as a Personal View. Personal Views are great for creating a View tailored to your specific workflow.

For instance, you could set up a Personal Board View with filters to show only the tasks assigned to you, occurring in a specific area over the next week.

Making the view personal ensures that no other users can accidentally change your customised setup.


Personal views are only visible in the Views List to the view's author and Project Admins. Other users won't see someone else's personal view in the Views List, but they can still access it if they have the direct URL.

Shared Views

Views can be toggled between a Personal View and a Shared View.

Shared Views are great when a group of people (or the whole project) will need to see the plan data set up in a specific, consistent way.

For instance, for you could set a up Shared Map View to show Team A's tasks on a week-by-week timescale, and share it with the members of Team A to use in their weekly meetings.


Depending on the Sharing Controls for each View, other users can either access it directly from the Views List or be granted permission to override the customised setup.

Project Admins will be able to change the Sharing Controls for all Views in the project.

Author, Editor & Viewer Permissions

View Authors: The user who initially created the View will become the View Author.

View Authors can:

  • Open the View from the View List

  • Toggle their view between Personal & Shared

  • Specify certain Users & Teams as 'View Editors'

  • Rename the View

  • Delete the View

  • Convert the View

  • Duplicate the View

  • Save as New View

  • Override the Saved View Definition

[Project Admins have the same permissions as View Authors]

Editors: A User or Team who have been named as an Editor on a specific Shared View.

Editors can:

  • Open the View from the View List

  • Duplicate the View

  • Save as New View

  • Override the Saved View Definition

Viewers: All Users & Teams who are not the Author or Editor for a specific View.

Viewers can:

  • If Shared, they can open the View from the View List

  • If Personal, they can open the View from direct URL

  • Save as New View

  • Duplicate the View

Default & Curated Views

To get you started, Aphex provides some pre-made views that are always available in every Project. These cannot be edited but can be duplicated as a personal view and edits made.

List of Aphex Curated Views
  • All Upcoming Plans [Default]

  • My Upcoming Plan [Default]

  • Default Lookahead

  • Board View

  • Map View

  • Upcoming Milestones

  • Clashing Tasks View

  • Unresolved Issues

When a new user enters a project for the first time, the two Aphex Curated Views that will open by default are:

  • My Upcoming Plan

  • All Upcoming Plans

Saved Views

Types of Saved Configurations

Different aspects of your View set up are saved in different ways. The categories of what will be saved and when are:

Saved as part of the View Definition

These settings are specific to each page type and contribute to the View Definition. Any changes made here will allow users to override the saved definition


  • Grouping

  • Overlays

  • Filters

  • Columns

  • Custom Group Order

  • Date Range


  • Grouping

  • Filters

  • Location


  • Grouping

  • Filters


  • Grouping

  • Filters

Saved as Personal View preference

These specific settings won't prompt you to save changes, as they don't contribute to the View Definition. They will be remembered between sessions and won't reset when you refresh the page, close the view, or log out


  • Column Widths

  • Group Order

  • Expanded/Collapsed Headers

  • Zoom

  • Work Area Panel preferences

  • Bar Colour

  • Show Progress / Relationships / Overdue Blockers


  • Layer visibility & Basemap

  • Location / Zoom extents

  • Work Area Colour

  • Highlight Issues


  • Hidden Groups

  • Group Order

  • Layout

  • Days

  • Show Relationship Links


  • Task Properties


Filter your View so it only displays the Tasks that meet specified criteria, i.e. have (or don't have) certain properties. You can set your Filters to be as detailed or basic as you need.

Deactivated users and archived packages are excluded from the filter. The filters you can choose from are:


Assigned to

Is Is Not Is Empty Is Not Empty



Is Is Not Is Empty Is Not Empty


Blocker Status

Is Is Not



Is Is Not


Delay Reason

Is Is Not Is Empty Is Not Empty


External ID

Is Is not Contains Doe Not Contain



Is Is Not Is Within Is Not Within Is Empty Is Not Empty



Is Is Not Is Empty Is Not Empty

Clashes Missing Fields Overdue Blockers


Is Is Not Is Empty Is Not Empty



Is Is Not Is Empty Is Not Empty






Is Is Not Contains Does Not Contain Is Empty Is Not Empty



Is Is Not



Is Is Not Is Empty Is Not Empty



Is Is Not



Is Is Not Is Empty Is Not Empty



Is Is Not



Is Is Not Is Empty Is Not Empty


Task Name


Is Not


Does Not Contain



The map date selector has a unique set of options:



Current Week +

(Project Lookahead Period - 1 Week)


Today's Date

This Week

Monday to Sunday of the Current Week

Next Week

Next Monday to Sunday (1 week into the Future)


Custom dates selected by the user

Advance Selected Range

Move the date range forwards and backwards by your selected range


You can choose how you view the plan by setting the structure.

The primary and sub-groups you can pick from are:

  • Folder

  • Location

  • Owner

  • Package

  • Shift

  • Subcontractor

Hide Empty Primary Structure

Hide Empty Structure prevents Primary Groups that contain no Tasks within your time period from appearing on the Gantt.

Reveal Empty Subfolders

The count of hidden, empty Subfolders will be displayed on hover of the parent Folder. Any empty subfolder can be added to the Gantt.

Flatten Folders

Flattening the Folder tree will transform the view from Subfolders being nested under their parent Folders, to all Folders & Subfolders appearing at the same level.

The Folder hierarchy can be inferred by looking at the Folder path found at the top of each Folder Row.

Tidy Up

When making changes to your plan, Tidy Up reapplies the default sorting order and any selected filters.

By default, when editing, Aphex locks tasks in view so that they don’t disappear when you’re making changes or resolving clashes. After selecting Tidy Up, tasks that don’t meet the selected filter and the chosen view will no longer be visible on the Gantt, and all updated tasks will be repositioned into the correct sort order.

Last updated