Creating & Sharing Published Versions

Things to know before you start:

  • Only Project Admins can make changes to share preferences

  • Only Project Admins can create Published Versions

  • All Users can copy and send the shareable link

If you're looking to create a Published Version to share your plan (internally or externally) then this guide is for you.

We'll cover publishing the plan, sharing a Published Version to Web, locating and sharing the unique URL, and how to control what information is accessible.


Publishing creates a read-only version of the plan (similar to an interactive PDF). Most teams create a new Published Version every week. Each Version acts as a record of what the plan was at a given point in time, and can be shared or used as a baseline comparison.

When to Publish

Teams usually create a new Published Version just after their weekly deadline has passed but a new version can be created at any time.

Publishing will not happen automatically, each new Version will be Published by an Admin on your team.

The details of your Next Scheduled Publication can be viewed from the Publishing page, which you can access by clicking your Project's name from the Gantt.

Open the Next Scheduled Publication to get an overview of the state of everyone's work. Here, you can see who has and who is yet to mark their Plans as Ready, as well as which users own work with unresolved issues (Clashes, Missing Fields or Blockers).

The Next Scheduled Publication Date is visible for all Users on the Project by glancing at the top-right of the Gantt.

Publishing Your Plan

When the quality of the Project meets your standards, and you’re ready to create & issue a Publication:

  • Open the Next Scheduled Publication

  • Click Publish

  • Hit Publish Plan

During creation, you have control over whether any notification is sent to the other Project Users to inform them that the latest Version has been issued.

Viewing and Sharing Published Versions

You can open and control access to Published Versions from the Publishing page, which you can access by clicking your Project's name.

  • On a Previous Publication, click '...' to open the overflow menu:

  • Click View Version to open your Published Version in a new window

Sharing your Plan

All Published Versions can be shared with people outside of the Aphex Project. Your recipient does not need to have an Aphex account in order to view a Shared Plan. Here's how to enable public sharing:

  • Open the Publishing Page

  • Locate the version you want to share

  • Click the '...' button at the end of the row to open the overflow menu

  • Toggle on Share to Web to generate a shareable link

  • You can choose whether to include access to Baselines and Status Data in the shareable link

  • Copy the shareable link by clicking the copy icon to the right of the link

  • Send the link to your recipient

Admins can revoke public access at any time by disabling Share to Web

Last updated