How do I Add & Remove Filters?

A Filter is a tool that can be used to sort through your Project and only display Tasks that meet a certain criteria.

Filters can be added to your Aphex View so you only see the tasks that are relevant to you.

The Aphex Filters were upgraded in July 2024. The main changes that were made to Filters include:

  • The Filter must contain a Filter Type, an Operator and a Value

  • Aphex Filters can be created in groups

  • More control is given to users to only view the work that you want to see

  • Have different Filters based on different Views

  • You can have multiple Gantt, Board, List & Map Views and tabs open at the same time, all with different Filters applied to them.

  • Once your Filters are selected, you will see a description of the Filters you have set.

  • A Filter Type is the part of the Project that you are wanting to Filter by, e.g 'Owner', 'Calendar', 'Status', 'Subcontractor'.

  • An Operator defines the relationship or comparison you want to make with the property and the value. It determines how the property and the value should be related. Operators will be options such as 'Is', 'Is Not', 'Contains', 'Does Not Contain'.

  • A Value is the specific criteria you're using to Filter the data. Values will include, selecting specific Folders, selecting specific Owners, selecting certain Subcontractors to include or exclude from your Filter Group.

Adding a Filter can be as simple or complex as you would like it to be. Multiple layers & groups can be added to the filter. This gives more control over the conditions and criteria of the Filters

  • Click on the Filter icon

  • Click on Add Filter to choose the first layer of your Filter

  • Click on ‘Select Filter’ to open the list for a property. A property will be options such as Folder, Owner, Labour, Materials, Blockers

  • Choose an operator. These will be either Is, Is Not, Contains or Does Not Contain

  • Type or select a value for your Filter. The value will be when you can select things like a specific Folder, the name of an Owner or name of a Task.

  • To add another Filter Layer in the same Group

    • Choose whether you would like the next layer to be And or Or.

    • Repeat Steps 1 and 2

  • To add another Filter Group

    • Click on ‘Add Group’

    • Select the operator as And or Or between your existing Filter Group

    • Repeat Steps 1 & 2

Last updated