Resources and Assets


One or more Blockers can be assigned to a task to identify actions that need to be taken for a task to go ahead. Blockers can be chosen from a customisable list.

Each Blocker asset contains:

  • The Blocker Name

  • Blocker Category

  • Colour

  • Set an Automated Due Date for either before the Start Date or after the End Date (optional)

  • Automatically add the Blocker to new tasks (optional)

Each Blocker is required to have a Blocker Type from the following standard list:

Blocker Type




External Stakeholder



Other Permit

N / A

Blocker Properties

Once allocated to a Task, each Blocker will hold these Blocker Properties:

  • Blocker Status

  • Due Date

  • Resolve Date

Blocker Status

Blocker Status


The Blocker has a Due Date that lies anywhere from Today and into the future. Blockers without Due Dates also hold the Status of Open Open Blockers appear orange


The Blocker has a Due Date that lies anywhere from Yesterday and into the past Overdue Blockers appear red with an exclamation point


The Blocker has manually been marked as completed by a Project User Resolved Blockers appear green with a tick and the text struck through

A toggle to show or hide Overdue Blockers on the Gantt or Map is available in the Overlays menu.

Blocker Due Date

If the Blocker Asset has a Due Date rule configured, the Blocker's Due Date will be automatically set when the Blocker is added to a Task, based on the Task's Dates. As long as the Blocker Status is Open or Overdue, the Due Date can be customised to any date. Due Dates can be removed and Blockers can exist without any Due Date.

Blocker Resolve Date

A date stamp is added to the Blocker to indicate when it was marked as Resolved.


You can assign multiple Tags to a task to help give additional context, or group related tasks together without impacting where a Task sits within the Project's structure.

Each Tag is required to be created with a unique name and can be assignees to a Task.

Each Tag is required to be created with a unique name and assigned a colour.

Each Tag is required to be created with a unique name and assigned a colour.


You can assign one Subcontractor to a task to indicate another party who is partly responsible for delivering the work.

Each Subcontractor is required to be created with a unique name.

The Subcontractor colour will dictate the colour of the:

  • Subcontractor tag on a task

  • Subcontractor grouping header on the Gantt

  • Task bar colour or work area colour (optional)

By default, the order of Subcontractors in the Project Asset list is sorted by creation date. The order can be updated using drag and drop.

Removed Subcontractors will no longer appear as an available option to add to tasks. However, they will still exist on any tasks they were assigned to before removal.


One or more Material options can be assigned to a task to indicate the planned quantity of Materials. The actual quantities of Materials utilised can be tracked once the work begins.

Each Material Resource has a custom name and is required to have a unit and Material type from the following standard list:

  • Concrete

  • Piles

  • Earthworks

  • Roadworks

  • Electrical

  • Drainage

  • Steel

  • Other

  • Item

  • Metres

  • Metres Squared

  • Metres Cubic

  • Kilometers

  • Kilograms

  • Tonnes

  • Tons

  • Yards

  • Yards Squared

  • Yards Cubic

The Material colour will dictate the colour of the Material resource tag on a task.

By default, the order of Materials in the Project Asset list is sorted by creation date. This can be updated using drag and drop.

Removed Materials will no longer appear as an available option to add to tasks, but will still exist on any tasks they were assigned to before removal.

Planned Quantities

The quantity allocated to a task will automatically be equally divided amongst the task’s working days to form a daily distribution of planned quantities.

Daily planned Material quantities can be manually changed if required.

Actual Quantities

Once work on a task begins, Material Actuals can be logged.

Actual quantities cannot be recorded unless the Task is In progress or Done.

Each log must be recorded against a calendar day and must indicate the Actual quantity used for that specific day. When there are multiple Actual quantity logs on a single task, they will be sorted by earliest date.


One or more Labour options can be assigned to a task to indicate the crew or individuals required. The quantity of each Labour resource allocated to a task is adjustable.

Each Labour resource will have a custom name, and is required to be created as either a Crew (Gang) or an Individual Resource.

The Labour colour will dictate the colour of the Labour resource tag on a task.

By default, the order of Labour in the Project Asset list is sorted by creation date. This can be updated using drag and drop.

Removed Labour will no longer appear as an available option to add to tasks, but will still exist on any tasks they were assigned to before removal.


One or more Plant options can be assigned to a task to indicate the machinery or equipment required. The quantity of each Plant resource allocated to a task is adjustable.

Each Plant resource has a custom name and must select a Type from the standard Plant Types.

The Plant colour will dictate the colour of the Plant resource tag on a task.

By default, the order of Plants in the Project Asset list is sorted by creation date. This can be updated using drag and drop.

Removed Plants will no longer appear as an available option to add to tasks, but will still exist on any tasks they were assigned to before removal.


A Location can be assigned to a task to indicate the general area where the work will occur.

A Location can be one of three types:


Offsite Location

No map or model required. No Work Areas can be drawn.

Drawing Location

An image or PDF. Work Areas are drawn on top.

Map Space Location (beta)

Real world map. Work Areas have real co-ordinates. Supports GIS.

Location Management

Replacing an existing Drawing Location will keep any Work Areas in the same position, while replacing the Map underneath with the updated image.

Archived Locations will no longer appear as an available option to add to tasks, nor will they appear as a Map. Archived Locations will still exist on any tasks they were assigned to before being archived.

Restored Locations will make the Location available for new Tasks again, and the Location will re-appear as a Map. Any remaining Work Areas will still be visible. Deleted Archived Locations will be permanently removed and cannot be restored.


The Calendar assigned to a Task dictates the working and non-working days. Only working days are used to calculate a Task’s duration

A Project must have a default Calendar. Every new task will automatically be assigned to the project default Calendar.

All Calendars have a custom name and colour, and must have at least one recurring working day. A calendar can have exceptions to the base working week, including indicating:

  • Non-working days as working days

  • Working days as non-working days

Edit Calendar

Project Admins can make edits to any Calendar, including a calendar that is in use.

Saving a calendar that is in use generates a prompt with the following options:


Save and hold dates on existing Tasks

The edited calendar will not be applied to any existing Tasks

Making any changes to the start date, end date or duration of a Task will apply the updated calendar to the task

Save and force reschedule existing Tasks

The edited calendar will be applied to all future planned tasks and tasks with days in progress

The edited calendar will not automatically be applied to any tasks that have finished (no working days in progress or in the future)

The edited calendar will not automatically be applied to any tasks are promised |

Archived Calendars will no longer appear as an available option to add to tasks, but will still exist on any tasks they were assigned to before they were archived.

Restored Calendars will be available for new Tasks again. Deleted archived Calendars will be permanently removed and cannot be restored.

View Calendar

Standard members on the Project have read-only access to view Calendars, this information includes a Calendar’s base working week, colour and any exceptions.

Delay reasons

If a delay is added to a task, a delay reason must be recorded.

When a new project is started, a range of default delay reasons are automatically created. The list of delay reasons can be fully customised. Each delay reason needs to belong to one of the following categories:

Delay Categories



Inadequate Planning

Insufficient Resources

Prior Work



Scope Change

Submittals and Approvals

The delay categories are non-editable.

Only the delay reason will be visible on tasks in the plan, the delay category is used for organisation and reporting purposes only.

Deleted delay reasons will no longer appear as an available option to add to tasks, but will still exist on any tasks they were added to before they were deleted.

Last updated

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