How do I print my Plan?

You can generate a printable PDF copy of your Gantt or Map from the live plan or from a Published Version.

Choose your Path:

Printing the Plan

Navigate to the version of the plan that you’d like to share. This can be your project’s live plan or a Published Version.

Configure your PDF export by filtering the Gantt to show the exact information you’d like to print. You can also select the columns you’d like to be visible on your printed copy.

Once you’re ready to print, hit the share icon at the top-right of the page. Here you’ll find your print options, you can choose to print the Gantt or Map.

From the Print modal, you can select:

  • Time Range

  • Page Size (A3, A2, A1, A0)

  • Inclusion of Delay data

  • Org or Project Logo

Once you’re happy with your preferences, hit Print as PDF to generate a PDF copy of your plan. This can then be printed.

Last updated