
Aphex Role Types

Aphex has three Role types that are assigned to Users when they are added to a Project or Organisation. The Roles govern the editing abilities for each User. Here is a breakdown of each Role:

  • Can edit any work across the project, regardless of whether they are the Owner

  • Add & remove Users from the Project

  • Add, edit & delete any Assets (Folders, Packages, Labour, Plant, Materials, Subcontractors, Locations, Calendars, Delay Reasons, Blockers & Tags) on a Project

  • Import a Master Schedule

Adding New Users to a Project

  • Open up your Project & click on the Project Name to bring up the menu

  • Select 'Users' (the second option down)

  • This will take you to the User menu

  • Click on the Add User button on the right hand side of the page

  • Add in the User's email address

  • Select a Role (Admin, Standard, Lite) for the User

  • Add as many new Users are you need to (multiple can be added at once)

    • Separate their email addresses by using a comma

  • Confirm using the Send Invite(s) button

  • An email will automatically be sent to Users to let them know they have been added to the Project.

Assigning Delegates, Reviewers & Assignees


  • Will have permission to edit & update another user's task

  • The delegate essentially becomes a Co-Owner of that user's tasks


  • Are assigned on a task-by-task basis

  • Cannot mark a clash as non-conflicting on assigned tasks

  • Cannot duplicate an assigned Task

  • Cannot break down an assigned Task

  • Cannot edit the Owner of a task

Adding a Reviewer to a User will require a two-stage process for their weekly plan updates. The Reviewer must review the Users plan before Publishing.

Last updated