Published Versions and Shared Plans

Published Versions

Each Published Version will be an exact copy of the plan when the publication was created.

Published Versions are read-only and cannot be edited or updated. However, they are still interactive.

Publications will be a replica of the live plan, except for the following exclusions:

  • Clashes

  • Documents

  • Comments

  • Team Spaces

  • Saved Column Configs

  • Blockers Summary Panel

  • Milestone Summary Panel

Deleting Published Versions

Once a Published Version has been deleted, it cannot be restored.

The related baseline overlay is also deleted, and all access to the Publication is blocked (including the Shared to Web version).


The first Publication will be named Published Version 1 by default, and the version number will increase as new Publications are generated. Versions can be renamed.

Publication Routine


Projects set a recurring target for when users should create a new Published Version.

To enable the Publication Routine, the weekday, time, timezone and frequency (from 1-12 weeks) must be set. The timezone will be set by default to the user's local time.


Once the routine has been enabled, all project users will see the exact date and time of the next Publication deadline in their local time.

If the next Publication is not created by the deadline, the Publication will become overdue. Once an overdue Published Version is created, the next Publication deadline will automatically adjust to the upcoming week.

No Routine

If the project routine is disabled, a new Published Version can still be created. The following will be excluded from any versions created outside of a routine:

  • Ability to Ready plans

  • Ability to Review plans

  • Ability to check if there are unresolved issues in the plan

Publication Requirements

Required Fields

Projects set the task fields that are required for Publishing. For an owner's plan to be ready for Publication, the required fields for each task within the lookahead period are expected to be completed.

The required fields to choose from are:

  • Subcontractor

  • Location and Work Area

  • Folder

  • Labour

  • Plant

  • Material

  • Package

  • Assignee

If a user leaves a required field empty, the task will be flagged as Missing Data.

Lookahead Period

The lookahead period is the window of time where all plans are expected to be kept up to date.

Only tasks within the lookahead period are checked for Missing Data or Clashes.

The lookahead period becomes the default Gantt date range for everyone on the project.

Shared Plans

Public Plans

Published Versions can be Shared to Web to allow anyone (including non-Aphex users) to view and interact with the plan. Each 'Shared to Web' plan has a unique URL that can be sent to recipients and opened immediately using any web browser. Recipients can adjust their view of the plan.

Turning off Shared to Web will block everyone from attempting to open the plan using the Shared URL.

No ArcGIS or WMTS Layers are visible in Shared to Web Published Versions.

Controlling Public Data

Public access to certain information inside a shared plan can be controlled:

Included Data (optional)
Information shared


Allow guests to see all historic baselines from previous versions and imports

Progress Updates

Allow guests to see all Progress Updates (delays & improvements) recorded on tasks

Views will not be applied to published versions. Any configured date range, filter, structure, zoom, grouping, or overlays must be manually set.

Last updated

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