How do I Move Folders?

When moving multiple Folders at once, you'll have the choice to either: Move the entire Folder Branch:

All your selected Folders (& contained Subfolders) will keep their original nested positions after being moved under the destination Folder. Move the selected Folders only:

All your selected Folders (& contained Subfolders) will be flattened to the same level under the destination Folder.

Folders can be moved from the Folders page, there are three ways you can do this:

This option is great for changing the path or structure of individual Folders and Subfolders within a fairly small Folder System.

  • Hover your cursor over the Folder that you'd like to move

  • Click and hold on the grab symbol to the left of the Folder name

  • Drag and drop the Folder into a new position or Folder

  • Hit Save Changes at the top of the modal

Method 2 is great for changing the parent of a Folder within a large Folder System.

  • Hover your cursor over the Folder that you'd like to move

  • Click '...' to open the overflow menu for the Folder that you'd like to move

  • Hover your cursor over the Move option

  • In the Folder menu, select which Folder you'd like to move the selected Folder to

  • Click to confirm the change

  • Hit Save Changes at the top of the modal

Multi-select is a great choice if you're looking to take bulk actions whilst reworking the Project's Folder Structure.

  • Click the checkbox to select each Folder that you'd like to move

  • Within the Multi-Select menu at the bottom of the page, click

  • In the Folder menu, select which Folder you'd like to move the selected Folders to

  • Click to confirm the change

  • If the selected Folders have Subfolders, you'll be prompted to select whether the Subfolders will also move with the Folder

  • Hit Save Changes at the top of the table

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