
Projects contain all the work, routines, assets, and users needed to deliver a specific project. Projects live inside an Organisation.

New Projects

New projects are created with the first user as an Admin, the Project Routine is disabled, and the following set of defaults:

  • Calendars

  • Delay Reasons

  • Packages

Project Settings

Aside from the Gantt and Map, Projects can hold other information for administration purposes.

Project Permissions

Task Status

Projects can control who can edit Task Status from Project Settings.

Regress Task Status

Additionally, if Admin & Owners, or Admins, Owners & Assignees is selected, Projects can control the direction of Status changes to make sure their commitments can't be undone.

Create and Manage Folders

Projects can control who can edit Create and *Manage Folders from Project Settings.

*Managing Folders includes editing all properties (name, code, colour, position) and the ability to delete folders. It does not include the permission to change Folder Protection State. This will always be reserved for Admins Only.

Create Root Folders

Additionally, if Admin & Standard Users have permission to Create & Manage Folders, Projects can disable the option for Standard Users to create Root Folders .

Create & Manage Blockers

Projects can control who can edit Create and *Manage Blockers from Project Settings.

*Managing Blockers includes editing all properties (name, category, colour, automated due date) and the ability to archive & delete Blockers.

Create & Manage Tags

Projects can control who can edit Create and *Manage Tags from Project Settings.

*Managing Tags includes editing all properties (name, colour) and the ability to archive & delete Tags.

Transferring Projects

Projects can be transferred from one Organisation into a different Organisation (within the same data region).

All data inside a transferred Project is preserved. Transferring a Project impacts the Project URL, leaving any prior URLs to Published Versions and Shared Plans invalid.

If the users on the Project do not already exist as a User inside the Destination Org, they will be automatically invited as Standard Organisation Users.

In order to start a Project transfer, the user initiating must be an Organisation Admin in both Organisations.

Archiving Projects

If a project is Archived, it is no longer accessible to any users and will not appear in the Project list. Archived Projects can be restored at any time.

Archived Projects can be permanently deleted. All project data will be deleted without any possibility of being restored.

Last updated